Indonesia sebagai negara tropis terus dihadapkan pada problem penanggulangan penyakit infeksi, kanker dan kardio vaskular yang terus meningkat. Organisme laut dikenal sebagai sumber senyawa obat yang potensial, namun problem utama dalam pengembangan obat dari organism laut adalah masalah ketersediaan bahan karena kadar senyawa aktif yang dihasilkan sangat kecil. Kapang laut dapat menjadi alternatif pemecahan masalah tersebut karena dapat menghasilkan senyawa obat secara kontinyu. Kapang laut jika ditumbuhkan dalam kondisi yang sesuai dapat menjadi “pabrik” berbagai macam senyawa obat. Hasil percobaan kami memperlihatkan bahwa kapang laut dapat memproduksi senyawa obat yang mampu menghambat perkembangan sel kanker dan bakteri patogen. Salah satu senyawa obat yang sudah berhasil diisolasi dan diproduksi oleh BBP4BKP adalah emestrin yang diperoduksi oleh kapang laut Emericella nidulans.
Senyawa murni dari kapang laut dapat dikembangkan sebagai senyawa pemandu dan standar dalam pencarian obat-obatan dari kapang laut. Dapat digunakan sebagai material dalam pengembangan riset modifikasi struktur senyawa-senyawa obat dari bahan alami laut baik secara kimia maupun biologi

Dapat digunakan sebagai produsen senyawa obat
Muhamamad Nursid; Nurrahmi Dewi Fajarningsih; Asri Pratitis; Ekowati Chasanah
Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pengolahan Produk dan Bioteknologi Kelautan dan Perikanan
Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pengolahan Produk Kelautan dan Perikanan (Research and Development Center for Marine and Fisheries Product Processing and Biotechnology, BBP4KP) is the research center belonging government to make a product from fisheries and marine material. Many research is doing there include food product and nonfood product.
The term fish processing refers to the processes associated with fish and fish products between the time fish are caught or harvested, and the time the final product is delivered to the customer. Although the term refers specifically to fish, in practice it is extended to cover any aquatic organisms harvested for commercial purposes, whether caught in wild fisheries or harvested from aquaculture or fish farming.
Fish processing can be subdivided into fish handling, which is the preliminary processing of raw fish, and the manufacture of fish products. Another natural subdivision is into primary processing involved in the filleting and freezing of fresh fish for onward distribution to fresh fish retail and catering outlets, and the secondary processing that produces chilled, frozen and canned products for the retail and catering trades.
Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pengolahan Produk Kelautan dan Perikanan (Research and Development Center for Marine and Fisheries Product Processing and Biotechnology, BBP4KP) is the research center belonging government to make a product from fisheries and marine material. Many research is doing there include food product and nonfood product.
The term fish processing refers to the processes associated with fish and fish products between the time fish are caught or harvested, and the time the final product is delivered to the customer. Although the term refers specifically to fish, in practice it is extended to cover any aquatic organisms harvested for commercial purposes, whether caught in wild fisheries or harvested from aquaculture or fish farming.
Fish processing can be subdivided into fish handling, which is the preliminary processing of raw fish, and the manufacture of fish products. Another natural subdivision is into primary processing involved in the filleting and freezing of fresh fish for onward distribution to fresh fish retail and catering outlets, and the secondary processing that produces chilled, frozen and canned products for the retail and catering trades.
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